Supported Living
for you OR your loved ones
SAILS Washington acquired Citizen Access Residential Resources in November of 2023. We now work together across the state of Washington to provide care and services for our clients.
SAILS Washington & CARR currently provides Supported Living Services in over 60 homes across Washington State. We are located in Clark, Thurston, King, Snohomish, and Spokane counties.
At SAILS Washington & CARR, we understand the flexibility required to meet your changing needs over time. We employ a highly skilled and compassionate workforce to work closely with you and your support team to ensure your long-term success!
What is Supported Living at SAILS?
Supported Living Services is a contracted service of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). Qualifying persons are 18 years of age and older, have a developmental disability, on or approved for the Home and Community Based Services Core waiver and determined by the DDA assessment to need this level of support in their person-centered service plan.
People who receive supported living pay their portion of rent, utilities, food, typical household furnishings and maintenance costs, some transportation costs (i.e. bus passes), and any other personal expenses. Sharing a home with one or more people helps make living expenses more affordable. SAILS Washington helps people to apply for all benefits for which they are eligible such as: social security, food assistance, Section 8 housing and utility discounts.
A supported person typically lives with two or three housemates, and staff provide teaching or support based on needs. Supports may vary from a few hours per month up to 24 hours/day. Supports are determined by a Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) assessment. Our staff will support you to exercise your independence and choice:
Community activities
Building relationships
Menu planning and cooking
Medication management
Medical appointments
Personal hygiene
Daily living activities
Why Choose SAILS?
SAILS Washington’s Supported Living Services is here to help you exercise meaningful choice and control in your daily life; including where and with whom you live, your routine, and how you enjoy spending your time. We do this through a person-centered planning process to help you identify your desired goals to live your fullest life. Then we provide you services tailored to your specific needs to help you achieve your goals.
Community protection
Community Protection Program, (CPP), is a voluntary program funded through the State of Washington for adults who have been diagnosed with an intellectual disability and have a history of displaying unsafe behavior. The CCP programs offer participants an opportunity to live in their community while receiving treatment in a structured and therapeutic environment with support and close supervision. Individuals enrolled in the CPP program are provided treatment by a Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider with weekly therapy and Treatment Team meetings every 90 days.
““I have always deeply appreciated the care that my sister’s staff give her and the very clearly strong relationships they have worked to build with her. I have felt particularly grateful for them during this pandemic-knowing that my COVID high risk sister is in the care of people I trust to keep her safe has been immensely relieving.” ”
how to Access Residential Supported Living
Reach out to your DDA Case Manager
Ask for SAILS Washington or Citizen Access Residential Resources to provide your Supported Living Services.
Contact Us:
Region 1 (Eastern WA): Contact Paul Carle-Johnson
Region 2 (Northwest WA): Contact Melissa Courtney
Region 3 (Southwest WA): Contact Maria Pen
Have general Supported Living questions? Contact our WA State Residential Director here.